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Madrichim Form 5785
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Our Madrichim (teacher assistant, leader, or guide) program is a teen leadership program. The Madrichim program starts in 9th grade. Madrichim hold a number of different leadership roles in our JLC, such as assisting teachers in classrooms and tutoring the younger students during JLC. However, most importantly, they are role models for our youth.
Our goal is to engage our Madrichim in a meaningful and positive way at TBA and to keep them active in the Jewish community.
To apply to the Madrichim program:
Students must be in 9th grade or older
All JLC madrichim must either be graduates of a TBA school program (JLC or Pressman) or receive special approval from the JLC Director/Rabbi to work.
Madrichm must participate in on going Jewish Education (Teen Tracks, Moving Traditions, Teen Lounge, Jewish Day School)
Madrichim are encouraged to attend services and participate in Holiday programming
Application deadline is August 15, 2024
After you have completed your application a member of the JLC team will reach out to you with more information and whether or not you are accepted to the program.
A teen and parent/guardian will need to attend a mandatory Zoom meeting August 27.
Teen First Name
Teen Last Name
Grade (secular) 2024-2025
Please Select One
Teen Email address
Teen Phone Number
T-Shirt Size
Please Select One
Note- all shirts are adult sizes
What day(s) are you applying to work?
Sunday (8:45-12:15)
Tuesday (3:45-6:15)
Both, Sunday and Tuesday
Do you want to earn community service hours or pay?
Please Select One
Pay Check
Community Service Hours
One Semester of Each
I understand that I can earn pay
community service hours for my time.
What on-going Jewish Education are you participating in?
You must be able to read Hebrew and be familiar with services to be a JLC madrich/cha
I am able to read Hebrew
I am able to read Hebrew
Check to acknowledge
I know the pieces of the Friday Evening Service
I know the pieces of the Friday Evening Service
Check to acknowledge
I know the pieces of the Saturday Morning Service
I know the pieces of the Saturday Morning Service
Check to acknowledge
Will you be participating in any extracurricular activities that might interfere with your duties?
If yes, please let us know what activity and when your activity take place? This includes music, sports, clubs etc.
Do you have any other leadership or tutoring experience?
Please Select One
If yes, what?
Have you ever gone to a Jewish Camp?
Please Select One
If yes, when & where?
If given a choice, in which grade/position would you prefer to work and why?
Why do you want to be a Madrich(ah)?
Describe a memorable Jewish experience you have had. Why was it memorable? How can this help you in your future activity as a madrich(ah)?
Discuss an important Jewish value and how this value guides you in your life.
What skills or strengths do you bring that will make you a good madrich(ah)?
Your responsibilities as a Madrich(ah) include, but are not limited to:
Attend Madrichim orientation on August 25
, 2024.
Report to the office (or outdoor designated area) and pick up materials every JLC session before the beginning of class.
Assist the teachers and the JLC Director and follow their directions.
Serve as role-models to the students at all times (this includes using appropriate language, wearing appropriate attire, avoiding using your phone unless absolutely necessary, and encouraging students to participate and engage in the activities).
Madrichim should dress " JLC appropriate"-- ie. clothes they can move around in comfortably & that they don't mind getting dirty. They must wear their staff shirt when working (received during Orientation). They also must wear their lanyard + name badge daily.
Help supervise students in your class at all times (including Hafsakah and carpool).
Notify the JLC Director via e-mail of all absences at least 24 hours before the start of the JLC session.
Read and respond to all emails from the JLC in a timely manner.
Report to the JLC Director all concerns and issues that may arise with students and teachers.
Return all supplies and equipment used to the office (or outdoor designated area) at the end of the day.
Madrich(cha) is encouraged to attend services when their students are leading
Take initiative—do not wait for people to give you work. If you have an idea, run it by your teacher for their input. If you need something to do, ask for suggestions.
Madrichim will present myself in a positive, enthusiastic, and professional manner in front of younger students.
Do not let questions or concerns grow, but make sure to discuss issues promptly.
I clearly understand the above requirements of our Madrichim staff. If I am not able to meet these expectations, my participation in the program may be called into question.
I clearly understand the above requirements of our Madrichim staff. If I am not able to meet these expectations, my participation in the program may be called into question.
Click to acknowledge and agree to these guidelines
Sun, January 12 2025
12 Tevet 5785
Friday Night
Candle Lighting
: 4:51pm
Shabbat Day
: 6:00pm
This week's Torah portion is
Parshat Shemot
Shabbat, Jan 18
Candle Lighting
Friday, Jan 17, 4:51pm
Motzei Shabbat, Jan 18, 6:00pm
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Jan 25
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Sun, January 12 2025 12 Tevet 5785